Voiceover Directing Advice

I was asked by a voiceover artist to give advice to people just starting out as a VO director. Here is my attempt at keeping it short…which it is not. The hot seat. You’re in a chair and someone has placed their trust in you to deliver a project worth putting...

Tribeca Festival Bound!

Tribeca Online will be premiering the film we mixed They’re Trying To Kill Us! It will stream during the Juneteenth programming. You can watch our handy work and this important documentary on June 19th by purchasing a Screening at Home Ticket here!...

Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs!

We were thrilled to mix this teaser and are now anxiously anticipating the completion of Why Dinosaurs? an upcoming documentary celebrating dinosaurs and the people who love them. Which, we believe, is everyone! Hypeosaurus Yes!